What is the key to spinning a heavy bo staff rattan oak etc Quora

You need to look towards Okinawan styles for the answer as the heavy Bo originated there. The secret is the weights. Regular Chishi use will up your game, as your power comes from the wrist,forearms, torso and waist for Bo control. All the things Chishi's target. Is there a reason why you want to spin oak over a lighter demo bo like graphite? The entire point of oak is it's a killer wood. You strike a kneecap and they are incapacitated, I've been struck in the jaw on accident with oak and lost teeth that were inside as a result. There really isn't a secret for an oak bo. You are trading speed and maneuverability for raw striking power. This means spins are far less useful over a thrust smash, and a hilt/weapon smash to uppercut is about the handiest thing you can have if you are sparring because that extra weight will knock just about anything downwards. You cant even use 4-to-the-floors or crescents because if you hit your partner's foot, they will absolutely go down screaming.